We don't receive salaries, so stop insulting us – Board Chairman of National Peace Council


We don't receive salaries, so stop insulting us – Board Chairman of National Peace Council

The National Peace Council (NPC) board chairman, Rev. Dr. Ernest Adu Gyamfi, has responded to the ongoing accusations of bribery and corruption made against the council. He said that since the council members serve the country voluntarily, unwarranted insults directed towards them are unwarranted, and he and the other members are not compensated for their work. "They don't pay anybody at the peace council, and Ghanaians don't understand, so they always accuse us of taking money, cars, and other things and they..

However, this is all volunteer labor; none of us are paid for it. Since every pastor is employed, the claims made by people outside that the Peace Council has received funding and other things are untrue. For example, what type of bribe are you intending to provide Archbishop Duncan-Williams?

We didn't even own any automobiles until they just brought us two. We only receive the allowance for board sittings.

Not even a per diem is in place. In an interview with UTV's Adekye Nsroma on March 15, 2024, he stated, "We don't talk and stay mute when they insult us because we are just serving the country and those who insult us are just wasting their time."

The absurdity of being accused of bribery when the council functions solely out of goodwill was brought out by Dr. Gyamfi.

By encouraging cooperative problem-solving to conflicts and institutionalizing the processes of responding to conflicts to produce outcomes that lead to conflict transformation, social, political, and religious reconciliation, as well as transformative dialogues, the National Peace Council helps all relevant stakeholders in Ghana's peacebuilding process to develop mechanisms for cooperation.
